Markdown Example

~ 2 min read


Example Markdown Elements

This is a H2 Heading

This is a H3 Heading

This is a H4 Heading

Horizontal Rules


”Double quotes” and ‘single quotes’


My blockquote



  • Create a list by starting a line with +, -, or *
  • Sub-lists are made by indenting 2 spaces:
    • Marker character change forces new list start:
      • Ac tristique libero volutpat at
      • Facilisis in pretium nisl aliquet
      • Nulla volutpat aliquam velit


  1. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
  2. Consectetur adipiscing elit
  3. Integer molestie lorem at massa


Inline code

Block code “fences”

Sample text here...

Syntax highlighting

var foo = function (bar) {
return bar++;

Expressive code examples

Adding a title

my title
console.log("Title example");

A bash terminal

Terminal window
echo "A base terminal example"

Highlighting code lines

function demo() {
console.log("this line is marked as deleted");
// This line and the next one are marked as inserted
console.log("this is the second inserted line");
return "this line uses the neutral default marker type";

Expressive Code can do a ton more than shown here, and includes a lot of customisation.


datapath to data files to supply the data that will be passed into templates.
engineengine to be used for processing templates. Handlebars is the default.
extextension to be used for dest files.

Right aligned columns

datapath to data files to supply the data that will be passed into templates.
engineengine to be used for processing templates. Handlebars is the default.
extextension to be used for dest files.

Content from markdown-it